Tree data structure - 2
Trees - 2
- Types:
- Strictly binary tree: Degree is every node either 0 or 2.
- Full Binary tree: Degree of every node is 2.
- Complete Binary Tree:A binary tree in which every level , exccept possibly the last , is completely filled and all nodes are as far left as possible.
Array Representation of binary tree:
- Also called as sequential representation or linear representation
- We use 1D array
- Store the data with indexed 1 i.e., root node at Array[1](Even we can use 0 based index )
- If a node is at index k in the array, its left child is at index 2k and right child at index 2k+1.
- If a node at index k then its parent is at index floor(k/2)
- The size of array needed to store a tree of height h is 2h-1
Linked list representation :
struct node { struct node *left; struct node *right; int data; }
- This structure can be used for the binary tree.
- Self referential structure where first and second members are structure pointers.
- The leaf nodes have the left and right pointers as NULL.
- To access the root node, we maintain a pointer that points to root node.
struct node *root; - For the node with pointer ptr, the left node can be accessed with ptr->left and similarly the right node can be accessed with ptr-> right
- The linked list representation used dynamic memory allocation. Hence there are no restrictions on the size of the tree.
- The only drawback of this representation is that it requires more memory in order to store the pointers of left and right children of each and every node.
- Though there are many pointer which point to NULL, still we need them .. :P
- If there are n nodes in a binary tree, there would be (n+1) nodes with NULL pointer.
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